These are compact and lively dogs. They are highly competitive in dog shows and are also very popular home companions. These dogs are very poor at tolerating solitude. When left alone, you can expect them to get very uneasy. There is a lot you need to know about them before you get one for yourself. Thick Double Coat These dog breeds have a double coat. The outer coat is rough and long, while the inner one is soft, short, and thick. Shedding occurs seasonally. Generally, grooming is simple for dogs of this breed. You will need to groom it weekly and trim the coat at least once every two months. When this dog is shedding, tangles form easily, and you will have to groom...
Also known as the Yorkshire Terrier, the yorkie is a small dog that has become a very popular dog for pet owners everywhere. While their tiny size is their most attractive feature, their playfulness, affection, and loyalty has also made them a popular choice. Any information potential or current yorkie owners could possibly want on this breed can be found with just a little reading. Although the yorkie originally was labeled as a working dog, it has become a popular and pet and general companion. Its fine silky coat, much like human hair, should be brushed regularly to keep its luxurious shine. Here are some general facts about yorkies. They love running...
Maltipoo Puppies
Maltipoos are a result of breeding a Maltese and a Poodle and are known for their sweet disposition and for being affectionate. Maltipoos are active little dogs and fit well in families with young children and elderly owners. Since maltipoo puppies are a cross-breed, they're considered to be part of the hybrid dog breed group. They're usually between eight and twelve inches tall and weigh between five and twenty pounds. Maltipoos have a long life span and may live between ten and thirteen years. Since Maltese and Poodle breeds don't shed, the Maltipoo is considered to be a hypoallergenic breed. Adaptability Friendliness Exercise Grooming Training...
Teacup Dogs
The attraction to teacup dogs is almost always their adorable appearance. They are the perfect purse size and guarantee an ever-present carry-along friend. With their cuteness also comes controversy, so it's important to know what these types of dogs need to thrive. Teacup pups are the smallest of the small dogs; even smaller then toy dog breeds. In fact, teacups are bred from the smallest puppies of a toy dog littler. To be categorized as a teacup, they have to weigh less than four pounds and be less than 17 inches tall. There are six true types of teacup breeds : Teacup Chihuahua This is the most popular type of teacup. They are affectionate and love to be around...
A cute and adorable dog, Cockapoos have all the personality of a circus clown, and as a designer dog, it dates back to the 1960s when designer dogs first gained popularity. These dogs prioritize their people, yet the breed remains intelligent enough to train, barely sheds. and forgives easily. This dog became a popular therapy dog because of its unconditional love and affection so that individuals never feel alone on their darkest days. In fact, some people have had to shut the bathroom door for a few moments of privacy from their furry bundle of joy. This dog exhibits no trouble in chasing from one end of the obstacle course to the next, and he shows off an expert...
Pug Puppies
In regards to personality, pugs are a big dog in a small body. With a flat face, big eyes, deep wrinkles, and comical snorts, pugs are easily one of the most amusing dog breeds. What's even cuter than a pug? A pug puppy! Originating from China, pugs were bred to be companions and can often live 12-15 years, which they will spend being incredibly loyal and affectionate to their owners. Here are a few things to consider before looking for pug puppies for sale. Pugs are full of personality and charm, but are they the right breed of dog for you? Here are some characteristics of the breed to help you decide if a pug is the right fit for your family. Pros: Low Maintenance...
Chihuahua Puppy
Chihuahuas are the most well-known small dog breed in the world. They are famous for their toy-like proportions, sassy attitudes and popularity among celebrities. While the modern-day version of the Chihuahua developed in Mexico, there is some speculation about where they truly originated. Whether they arrived with Spanish Conquistadors or grew alongside the people of Chihuahua, Mexico, Chihuahuas are now an officially-recognized show breed and excellent family pets. Those looking into purchasing a Chihuahua puppy should familiarize themselves with a basic breed overview. Chihuahua puppies will require a lot of attention due to their build...
Shih Tzu
When referring to 'man's best friend', this breed unarguably ranks high in that category. This small breed of dog is best suited for owners who want a loyal and loving companion with an outgoing and energetic personality. While it may not seem that the Shih Tzu has been around for too many decades, this breed was actually developed back in China in the early 1600s. It is considered one of the oldest breeds on record. The name means 'mini lion' because its features resemble that of a miniature lion. This dog was held in high regard in ages past as a 'protector of the palace' because it had an instinct for barking at intruders. Shih Tzus are a small breed with the following...
Pomeranian Puppies
People considering bringing a Pomeranian puppy into their home should start by doing some research on the breed. Understanding what to expect with a Pomeranian puppy is important so owners can provide a good environment for the dog, as well as enjoy bonding with the new family addition. Fortunately, the internet provides numerous resources so that new owners can find a Pomeranian puppy from a reputable source. There are also many resources to help new owners understand the quirks of the breed. Informed owners make good owners. Pomeranians are classified as a toy dog breed due to their small size, but they come with big personalities. They are considered...
French Bulldog Puppies
They're cute and they're attention getting. Their small size would seem to make them well suited to urban living, and they're trendy. Celebrities like Carrie Fisher frequently grace the red carpet with them, and they seem very friendly. But, is a French bulldog the pet for you? Read on to learn more about this breed. Although it's hard to believe it looking at this breed now, the French Bulldog's ancestors were once a large dog used for hunting and bullfighting. Beginning in the mid-1800s in England, these larger dogs were bred with pugs and terriers to produce the breed known as a toy bulldog. By 1850, the toy or miniature bulldog had been introduced to France...
Shih Tzu Puppies
Few things are more joyous than bringing home your new Shih Tzu puppy. However, along with that adorable little ball of fluff comes a lot of responsibility. To help you prepare for the joys and the trials that come with Shih Tzu puppies, do some reading online to learn what you can expect. Most people are drawn to the Shih Tzu breed due to their precious faces and affectionate nature. They seem to stay puppies all their lives, keeping a playful nature and small stature. There are a few points to consider before becoming completely smitten with this breed, however. Their loving nature means that they will require love and affection. This is not a dog that can be...
Doberman Puppies
Doberman Pinscher puppies are so cute and adorable, loyal, and protective. Here are a few facts about one of the most well-known breeds before a puppy decision is made. They are extremely intelligent even at eight weeks old and capable of learning. Puppy training classes are suggested by 10 to 12 weeks old so the puppy can learn to socialize. Make sure vaccines are always up to date, especially kennel cough, before classes. If formal training is not possible, the puppy should be socialized at home amongst family and friends Once a breeder understands a person's lifestyle and personality, they can make remarkably accurate recommendations. Puppies with...
Siberian Husky
Siberian Huskies are beautiful and majestic dogs. They were originally bred by the Chuchki people of Russia as working dogs. Their thick coats, high energy, and muscular builds made them perfect candidates for pulling dog sleds. This made them popular in Alaska during the Nome Gold Rush. This dog has many breed specific traits and can make a fantastic family pet as long as owners are well educated about their behaviors and tendencies. People looking to purchase this breed of puppy can find a Siberian Husky for sale in a pet shop, from an individual, or by a breeder. This breed has a high energy level, to say the least. Being that they were designed to be a working...
Boston Terrier Puppies
Boston Terrier Origins Boston Terriers are originally from the United States. They were accepted by the American Kennel Club in 1893. Their ancestors are either from the original Bull and Terrier breeds of the 19th and 20th centuries or the result of modern English Bulldogs being crossed into terriers. Hooper's Judge is said to be the ancestor of nearly all Boston Terrier puppies. Around 1870, Robert C. Hooper, a prominent member of Boston society, bought a dog named Judge from a man named Edward Burnett. Judge's offspring were interbred with French Bulldogs. The first Boston Terriers weighed about 44 pounds but were bred down from the size of fighting...
Pitbull Puppies
Although this dog's breed name is American Pit Bull Terrier, it's known by most as simply a pitbull. For someone unfamiliar with pitbulls, the large of amount of controversy regarding pitbulls may raise concerns; however, to most pitbull owners, this dog represents affection, intelligence, and love. By doing a little reading and research, this wonderful breed may get the credit he or she deserves. The pitbull, which was originally a mixture of bulldog and terrier, has grown to be one of the most popular dogs around. Their loyalty, intelligence, and courage have made them invaluable as therapy animals, search and rescue dogs, service dogs, livestock...
Bichon Frise Puppies
Bichon Frise are a popular choice for people looking to adopt or purchase a new puppy. Bichons are small and affectionate. They love to cuddle and thus are excellent companion dogs. Luckily there are many resources on-line which can help one determine if a Bichon is the right breed of puppy for themselves or their family. When deciding if a Bichon is the right choice, one must look at several factors: Physical Traits All Bichon Frise puppies are white in color; however, some may be a cream or pale yellow color. A Bichon puppy will remain small into adulthood with the largest of the breed reaching only about a foot tall. Their coat is soft and fluffy; resembling...
Bully Puppies
Although the name might put some people off, bully dogs are generally friendly and sociable dogs. American Bully dogs are a variety specifically bred for the wide, stocky chest, short legs, and low hindquarters. They come in three sizes: standard, pocket, and XL. Bully dogs originated from a broad mix of European bull-fighting dogs, including the bull terrier, box terrier, and bulldog. Similar breeds include the Boston Terrier and the American Pit Bull. Bully dogs and their close relatives, especially pit bulls, unfortunately have an untrustworthy and violent reputation. According to Animal Planet , this most likely stemmed from association with...
Sheltie Puppies
The Shetland Sheepdog, also known as a Sheltie, is a small active dog. It is considered to be playful, energetic, and smart. It looks like a Collie, but in fact, is a separate breed. This dog is originally from the Shetland Islands, which is off the coast of Scotland. There are pros and cons to owning this particular breed. Shelties are fun and loyal but may not be for everyone. General Sheltie Statistics Breed Group - Herding group Life Span - 12-14 years Height - 13-16 inches Weight - 15-25 pounds Taking care of a Sheltie puppy is similar to taking care of other puppy breeds. They will need to be taken to a Veterinarian for any remaining vaccinations. An important...
Teacup Yorkie
The teacup yorkie may be one of the most adorable dogs on the planet. Their name comes from the fact that when they are small puppies they can easily fit inside of a teacup. The teacup yorkie does not realize that it is a small dog, with adults averaging only between 2 to 4 pounds. The teacup yorkie has a lot of attitude and spirit in a small package. Before looking for a teacup yorkie for sale, there are a few things that need to be considered first. Before searching for a teacup yorkie, it is important to consider whether this is the right dog for the family and environment: Size A teacup yorkie is small, and this also makes them fragile. Stepping on a teacup Yorkie...
Husky Puppies
Deciding to get a husky puppy is a big decision for a family, and there are a lot of things to consider. Finding husky puppies for sale can seem like a lot of work, but luckily, there are a lot of online resources to help. Families should consider the following things before looking for a husky puppy: Size Puppies don't stay little forever, so size is an important factor when getting a dog. The average adult Siberian husky has a shoulder height of 2 feet and weighs 60 pounds. As a bigger dog, it's important for Siberian huskies to have adequate room to run around for exercise. Huskies were bred to pull sleds through snow. As a result, modern-day huskies need a high...
Golden Retriever
Commonly considered one of the most loyal and intelligent dog breeds, golden retrievers are the perfect addition to any family. These dogs are easy to train, which makes them excellent guide dogs, hunting companions, and housemates! Temperament Golden retrievers are energetic and friendly dogs. They thrive in family environments where they are part of a "pack." They are good with children, strangers, and other animals. Daily Needs Because of the high energy of this breed, golden retrievers need at least 30 to 40 minutes of vigorous exercise daily. Golden retrievers also have a thick coat and will shed profusely. Daily or weekly brushing can help minimalize...
Labrador Retriever Puppies
The Labrador Retriever may be the most popular breed in the United States. This medium sized dog has a short coat that ranges from blond colored to black. Labradors Retrievers, also known as labs, are favored for their participation in sports, hunting, retrieving, and helping the disabled. Because of their trainable natures, Labradors are often sent to aid the blind or help law enforcement agencies. This dog breed has its origins in Newfoundland, Canada in the early 1800s. As the name retriever suggests, these dogs gained their reputation through fetching. The early incarnations of this breed would help fishermen by retrieving fish out of the ice cold...
Buying dogs locally
Most potential dog buyers ask, "How can I find dogs for sale near me? Where do I start?" Buying a new dog can be a challenging experience. Fortunately, there are plenty of online resources out there to guide potential buyers and help them find local dog breeders, shelters and rescue organizations for their dog purchase. The best way to approach the process is to do the necessary research and then map out a plan to find the right dog without wasting valuable time. The potential buyer looking for a new dog should consider the type of dog they want to buy. Will it be a purebred or a mixed-heritage dog? A potential buyer's lifestyle should definitely be a factor in...
Rottweiler Puppies
The Rottweiler (pronounced Rott-vile-er) is a medium to large domestic dog. They are descendants of ancient Roman drover dogs; a dog used to herd and protect cattle as the Roman army plundered through Europe. As the Roman drover dogs mated with other dogs along the way, a new breed was created. Traveling butchers would use the dogs to herd cattle and protect their money as it would be tied in pouches around their necks. They soon became known as butchers' dogs. With the introduction of railways, the need for these dogs was diminished and almost wiped them out. They were brought back for use in the First and Second World Wars as service dogs. Then in 1931, the...
Buying Puppies
Almost anyone that enjoys interacting with animals loves at least one thing about puppies. In America today, more households own a dog than any other type of pet, and this trend probably isn't going to change any time soon. However, to get the best experience for both the owner and the potential puppy, there are a few things to keep in mind. What a dog can do for their owner What a dog needs done for them What health and safety aspects need to be considered What type of dog fits the prospective owner's age, location, and lifestyle Dogs are fun, loyal, and loving creatures that offer many benefits to their owners, from being a friend to reducing stress levels and...
Teacup Pomeranian
The dog has to weigh less that seven pounds to be considered a Teacup. The tiny stature of this dog does not preclude them from doing the same things as the larger dogs though, they can fetch, perform agility, and go on short hikes. They can even be trained to be therapy dogs. One thing to consider is that the small size of the dog may not be the most appropriate for small children who may accidentally harm the dog if it were dropped or played with too roughly. Its ancestors were from Iceland, and being larger, they were used to pull sleds. Breeding history determines the dog's color, which can be any combination or solid and no two are alike. There are even three types...
Some people might be dog lovers, but this doesn't mean they all love the same set of characteristics in every dog. For those who appreciate a large amount of energy combined with courage, loyalty and affection, the Schnauzer is a breed to seriously consider. This breed originally hails from Germany and consists of three size classifications with their own particular requirements. Standard Form In German, this breed is known as Mittelschnauzer and stands out as the original version on which its two relatives are based. These dogs occupy a height range of 17 to 20 inches at the shoulder with a weight range of 30 to 50 pounds. Miniature Schnauzer This breed...
Rottweilers are known as being an aggressive breed and many people are reluctant to take them on as pets. Despite what is thought of them generally, a rottweiler can be the perfect pet for dog lovers. These dogs, despite their seemingly aggressive nature, also have a loving and gentle side them that makes them a great contribution to any household. There are just a few of the great qualities of this breed of dog: They are loyal and protective of their family. They form close bonds with their owners and quick to spring to action when they feel their owner may be in danger While it make take some time for a them to become accustomed to strangers, when they do get comfortable,...
Jack Russell Puppies
People who are thinking about adding a Jack Russell Terrier puppy to their household should know a little bit about this breed before taking the plunge. Luckily, there is plenty of information available on these playful pups. Activity Level Jack Russell Terriers have a lot of energy. They like to run, jump, and play games like chasing something or someone. In fact, these dogs need a lot of exercise to maintain good mental and physical health. Temperament These canines are loyal and affectionate. They are good with young and older children who handle them with gentle care. They are protective of their little bodies and can become aggressive when they are...
Teacup Maltese
This breed is a favorite among toy dog breeds. The breed is also known as Miniature Maltese, Toy Maltese, and Mini Maltese. They are one of the most beautiful toy dog breeds and are bright, gentle, and friendly. There is evidence that the Maltese dog's history can be traced back at least 2,000 years. It is based on documentation by poets, writers, and artists from the early cultures of Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Egyptians mentioned the Maltese on artifacts and the Greeks set up tombs for them. Some believed they had the ability to cure diseases which led to them being called "The Comforter." French aristocrats in the 15th century were especially fond...
French Bulldog
Anyone who has met a french bulldog knows that they are full of personality. These small dogs are great companions and provide endless entertainment to their owners thanks to their quirky behavior. They often make great pets for dog lovers. For people who are interested in the French Bulldog as a new pet, or just want some information, there's plenty of basic information you can learn. Frenchies usually weigh somewhere between 19 and 28 pounds They can be found in a variety of colors Although they are stubborn sometimes, they are also affectionate and playful They really enjoy spending time with their owners Low maintenance - grooming is rarely needed...