Although this dog's breed name is American Pit Bull Terrier, it's known by most as simply a pitbull. For someone unfamiliar with pitbulls, the large of amount of controversy regarding pitbulls may raise concerns; however, to most pitbull owners, this dog represents affection, intelligence, and love. By doing a little reading and research, this wonderful breed may get the credit he or she deserves.
The pitbull, which was originally a mixture of bulldog and terrier, has grown to be one of the most popular dogs around. Their loyalty, intelligence, and courage have made them invaluable as therapy animals, search and rescue dogs, service dogs, livestock workers, and all-around great family pets.
Their excellent conformation, stability, and agility make them perfect candidates for organized dog sports and competitions. Below are some basic facts on pitbulls.
Despite, or maybe because of, all the controversy regarding pitbulls, this dog continues to be a very popular dog and one that many try to buy. Generally, the first place people go when they want to purchase something is the Internet.
Saving money and convenience are the two main reasons most shop online; however, purchasing a pitbull requires more diligence. Here are a few tips shoppers should try to follow when looking for pitbull puppies for sale both in person and online.
The links below provide valuable information on purchasing pitbull puppies. Some of them also provide information on pitbull breeders.
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Commonly considered one of the most loyal and intelligent dog breeds, golden retrievers are the perfect addition to any family. These dogs are easy to train, which makes them excellent guide dogs, hunting companions, and housemates! Temperament Golden retrievers are energetic and friendly dogs. They thrive in family environments where they are part of a "pack." They are good with children, strangers, and other animals. Daily Needs Because of the high energy of this breed, golden retrievers need at least 30 to 40 minutes of vigorous exercise daily. Golden retrievers also have a thick coat and will shed profusely. Daily or weekly brushing can help minimalize...
Siberian Huskies are beautiful and majestic dogs. They were originally bred by the Chuchki people of Russia as working dogs. Their thick coats, high energy, and muscular builds made them perfect candidates for pulling dog sleds. This made them popular in Alaska during the Nome Gold Rush. This dog has many breed specific traits and can make a fantastic family pet as long as owners are well educated about their behaviors and tendencies. People looking to purchase this breed of puppy can find a Siberian Husky for sale in a pet shop, from an individual, or by a breeder. This breed has a high energy level, to say the least. Being that they were designed to be a working...
Some people might be dog lovers, but this doesn't mean they all love the same set of characteristics in every dog. For those who appreciate a large amount of energy combined with courage, loyalty and affection, the Schnauzer is a breed to seriously consider. This breed originally hails from Germany and consists of three size classifications with their own particular requirements. Standard Form In German, this breed is known as Mittelschnauzer and stands out as the original version on which its two relatives are based. These dogs occupy a height range of 17 to 20 inches at the shoulder with a weight range of 30 to 50 pounds. Miniature Schnauzer This breed...