Few things are more joyous than bringing home your new Shih Tzu puppy. However, along with that adorable little ball of fluff comes a lot of responsibility. To help you prepare for the joys and the trials that come with Shih Tzu puppies, do some reading online to learn what you can expect.
Most people are drawn to the Shih Tzu breed due to their precious faces and affectionate nature. They seem to stay puppies all their lives, keeping a playful nature and small stature. There are a few points to consider before becoming completely smitten with this breed, however.
Their loving nature means that they will require love and affection. This is not a dog that can be left alone for long periods of time. Bred to be dogs to royalty, they love all people and are very unhappy without a friend to keep them company. This unhappiness can become separation anxiety and lead to destructive behavior.
That beautiful coat requires a lot of grooming and care. Shih Tzus are long haired dogs. If their hair is not trimmed, it will continue to grow. While this means no shedding or fur all over your furniture, it also means an investment in grooming. If kept in a long coat, daily brushing is recommended. Many people bring their dogs to the groomers for bathing and clipping every six weeks or so. If you plan to do this, you should budget for that expense.
Before bringing your sweet pup home, you will want to have these supplies on hand:
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